Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com
Choices, When the hour of our salvation comes by the power of the Holy Spirit we have a choice to receive Christ or reject Him. After we receive Him, we have a choice to obey Him or continue to walk in sin. Heaven and Hell is our choice not God's, for it is His will that all be saved! This past Sunday my pastor preached on Choices and the losing of your salvation, this is a serious split of opinion in every church and every denomination. Once saved always saved, or you can lose your salvation if you continue in sin. Jesus states in Mat 7: Many will come to me on that day and say Lord, Lord, did we not prophecy in your name, cast out demons in your name and do miraculous healing in your name, and He will say "Away from me you worker of iniquity for I never knew you" 1John say's "He who says he loves Me and yet does not obey Me is a liar and the truth is not in him" Paul said, if we barely make it my the skin of our teeth what say you? I am from the school of Hebrews, I believe you can be deceived into believing you are going into the kingdom of God, but they will face the Jesus of Mt 7. Our soul is to valuable to gamble away eternity. I have sister's in Christ who will disagree, but then I have to question, do they disagree because of the comfort of their sins, that sin has deceived them into believing a lie? My soul is to valuable so I choose the narrow path. More is spoken on the lose of salvation then on the security of it. I will end with this, Proverbs "The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord".
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