New Beginnings
Well another Sunday morning... Today we had another one of the asst. pastor's preach, (our pastor will be back next Sun.) This Morning it was on new beginnings. How people make new year's resolutions and never keep them. How we as Christians when we become born again have a new beginning with our life. The old life is passed away and we have a clean start with God, a clean slate. It is the journey of that new beginning that will tell the difference between if it was real or only emotion or religion. Are we drawing closer to God or farther away? Are we changing daily to over come those things that does not please our heavenly Father, or are we the same?
Are we easily convicted of sin or are we impartial? Are we grieved because we have not over come or is our conscience seared? As the new year begins, let us stay firmly committed to Christ our Savior for soon we will stand before Him. And if we are back slid den, let us go to war by turning off our TVs and setting aside any other idol that besets us and get on our knee's for we are fighting the fight of our lives, we are fighting for our soul's which are eternal and once we leave here there will be no second chances.
God Bless you
and have a wonderful week
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