Even if Moses and Samuel were to stand before me, my heart would not go out to these people.
Israel had sinned against God over and over and God was getting ready to punish her and the land. Now the Word of God is clear, that we (the church) are unnatural branches grafted in, if He did not spare the natural why do we think He will spare the unnatural? The Church is fallen into darkness as Israel has, OT had Mose's and the law, NT we have Jesus and grace; we speak Jesus but our hearts are far from Him. We are unforgiving, unloving, liars, thief's. We are unchanged, we are still born babies, started out right but we aborted the seed of faith by rebellion.. We use grace as a license to sin not the means to be holy. Look at the church today, body piercing, tattoos, women wearing tight body fitting clothing that men who are seeking God are distracted into dark lusts of their hearts that they are battling to overcome, where are the ministers, the preachers to make the sanctuary a holy place where God comes and meets His people. Church today is like a social hall, so much chatter, no reverence for the sanctuary, to be still, to be fearful, because all were expecting the King of kings and the Lord of lords. There was a time when I was young you were stopped at the door of the church if not properly dressed, Deacons job was to watch that all was being reverent and in expectation of the Holy Spirit. Which by the way many say "O the Spirit of the Lord is here", No He is not, but churches have been drinking from muddy waters so long they do not know what clean water tastes like. Some ministers feel it is the Holy Spirits job to convict people to act right, do right, dress right, but Jer. 15 makes it real clear, their suffering was because of the king that lead them...
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