This mornings sermon was done by our assistant pastor, what an anointed brother in Christ. He spoke on "CHOICES" How choices affect our lives. Even when we do not make a choice, we made a choice :). We choose to love, we choose to forgive or not forgive, what ever the choices, it will effect our life and walk with Christ. God who is always wise, all knowing, and forever faithful has never failed us, but yet we do not always do things His way, but our own, even though our own has never proven to bring about any good fruit, only regrets. We must also be diligent studiers of the Word so that we can make wise decisions. We study the Word of God to know Him, not know it all.
As I listened and prayed I looked over the journey of my own life and the Choices I have made. I have made many good choices, but I have also made bad one's. I chose to smoke even though the Holy Spirit had convicted me to stop, and now after many years my vocal cords are shot, I use to sing and sing beautifully, but because I chose to continue in a path He warned me not to, this is the consequence. I was warned several times in a dream not to marry a man, I made the wrong choice and did not listen but married him any way, because I FELT I was in love and now the consequence of that wrong choice is I am divorced. I share this, a life journey of almost 35 years in Christ, that other's may learn from the many mistakes, the many bad choices I have made and make better choices. Because with every choice of your life you will reap the consequences of that choice. But never forget, that God still loves us, but like a child you tell "do not touch the fire for you will get burned" the child chooses to ignore and makes the choice to touch, he is burned and cries out, you comfort him because you love him, but because of his bad choice, his hand is scared, and even in this, he will learn obedience, as we learn obedience to our heavenly Father.
God Bless you
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